PRESENTATIONS, ETC. (since 1995)

E. Fukushima, “Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Flowing Systems with Applications to Biology,” Department of Physics Colloquium, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, January 5, 1995.

D. O. Kuethe, J. A. Loeppky, and G. Malvin, “Nucleate vs. enucleate blood cells: rate of acid accumulation in whole blood,” Hypoxia Symposium 1995, Lake Louise, Canada, February 15, 1995.

L. Z. Wang, Seminar at University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, February 24, 1995.

L. Z. Wang, S. A. Altobelli, D. O. Kuethe, and E. Fukushima, “Use of Oscillating Gradients to Probe Diffusion Spectra,” The 36th ENC, Boston, March 26-30, 1995.

R. A. Waggoner, and E. Fukushima, “Studies of Flow and Porous Media via Magnetic Resonance,” The 36th ENC, Boston, March 26-30, 1995.

D. O. Kuethe, “NMR Signal Loss from Turbulence: Test of Theories,” The 36th ENC, Boston, March 26-30, 1995.

E. Fukushima, “Automatic Ice-Maker Servicing,” NMR Newsletter No. 439, 1995, p. 16.

L. Z. Wang, “NMR Diffusion Studies with Time-Varying Gradients,” Seminar, The National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, May 1, 1995.

E. Fukushima, “Granular Flow Studies at Lovelace,” Dynamical Processes in Granular Materials: Understanding and Control, James Frank Institute, The University of Chicago, May 11-13, 1995.

S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, E. Fukushima, I. J. Lowe, and L. Z. Wang, “NMR Studies of Multiphase Flows. II.”  13th Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory, May 15-17, 1995.

M. Nakagawa, S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, and E. Fukushima, ”Segregation Phenomena in a horizontal rotating cylinder,” Mechanics of Granular Materials, 10th ASCE Engineering Mechanics Speciality Conference, Boulder, Colorado, May 21-24, 1995.

E. Fukushima, “Applications of NMRI to non-medical problems,” Port and Harbour Research Institute, Ministry of Transportation, Yokosuka, Japan, June 8, 1995.

E. Fukushima, “Applications of NMRI to practical problems,” The Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, June 13, 1995.

L. Z. Wang, “Investigation of Molecular Motional Spectra by Use of Sinusoidal Gradients,” Gordon Conference on Magnetic Resonance, June, 1995.

E. Fukushima, S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, M. Nakagawa, and L. Z. Wang, “NMRI Studies of Granular Flows in a Rotating Horizontal Cylinder,” IUTAM Symposium on Hydrodynamic Diffusion of Suspended Particles, Estes Park, Colorado, July 22-25, 1995.

M. Nakagawa, S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, and E. Fukushima, “Unexpected Behavior of Particles in Horizontal Rotating Cylinder,” IUTAM Symposium on Hydrodynamic Diffusion of Suspended Particles, Estes Park, Colorado, July 22-25, 1995.

S. A. Altobelli, E. Fukushima, and L. A. Mondy, “Velocity and Fluid Fraction Measurements in Suspensions Flowing through Abrupt Contractions and Expansions,” IUTAM Symposium on Hydrodynamic Diffusion of Suspended Particles, Estes Park, Colorado, July 22-25, 1995.

A. L. Graham, J. R. Abbott, E. Fukushima, S. A. Altobelli, N. Phan-Thien, L. A. Mondy, and T. S. Stephens, “NMR imaging of particle migration in concentrated suspensions,” IUTAM Symposium on Hydrodynamic Diffusion of Suspended Particles, Estes Park, Colorado, July 22-25, 1995.

S. A. Altobelli, “NMR measurements of suspensions and pure fluids in Couette-Taylor flow,” 9th Couette-Taylor Workshop, Boulder, Colorado, August 7-10, 1995.

K. Yamane, T. Tanaka, Y. Tsuji, M. Nakagawa, and S. A. Altobelli, “DEM and MRI Studies of Particulate Flows in a Rotating Cylinder,” Sixth International Symposium on Gas-Solid Flows, Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engineering Conference, Hilton Head, SC, August 13-18, 1995.

E. Fukushima, “Basics of NMR,” Educational Program, 3rd International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Würzburg, Germany, August 27, 1995.

A. Caprihan, E. Fukushima, and L. Z. Wang, “The Narrow-Pulse Criterion in PGSE Diffusion Measurements,” The 3rd International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Würzburg, Germany, August 27-31, 1995.

S. A. Altobelli, “Nuclear Magnetic Flow Imaging,” Seminar, New Mexico Highlands University, September 1, 1995.

E. Fukushima, Seminar, Max-Planck Institute, Stuttgart, September 1, 1995.

E. Fukushima, Seminar, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, September 1, 1995.

R. A. Waggoner and E. Fukushima, “Velocity Imaging in Porous Media,” Third International Meeting, Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, September 3-6, 1995.

E. Fukushima, “NMR of Fluid Motion: Flow and Diffusion,” Seminar, Institute Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 8, 1995. 

E. Fukushima, “NMR of Fluids in Porous Media,” Petroleum & Geosystems Engineering Seminar Series, University of Texas, Austin, September 25, 1995.

L. A. Mondy, S. A. Altobelli, and E. Fukushima, “Velocity and Fluid Fraction Measurements in Piston-Driven Pipe Flow of Concentrated Suspensions,” 67th Annual Meeting of Society of Rheology, Sacramento, California, October 8-12, 1995; p.82.

E. Fukushima, “Multiphase Flow Studies by NMR Imaging at Lovelace,” Open Forum: University-Industry Collaborative Research in Multiphase Flow, ASME, San Francisco, November 12-17, 1995.

L. O. Sillerud and A. Caprihan, “Efficacy of Blood Substitutes Determined by 31P NMR,” The NMR Newsletter, No. 449, 1996; pp.7-8.

J. A. Loeppky, D. O. Kuethe, S. A. Altobelli, R. C. Roach, and P. Scotto, “Is the increase in ventilation with hypoxia affected by gas density?” Hypoxia Symposium 1996, Lake Louise, Alberta, February, 1996.

E. Fukushima, “Applications of MRI(NMRI) to non-invasive detection of flowing or stationary fluids,” ATIP Technology Seminar, Asian Technology Information Program, Tokyo, March 1, 1996.

R. A. Waggoner and E. Fukushima, “k-Space and q-Space Velocity Imaging in Porous Media”, 37th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Asilomar, March 17-22, 1996.

D. O. Kuethe, A. Caprihan, and R. A. Waggoner, “Imaging SF6 and C2F6 in Lungs,” 37th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Asilomar, March 17-22, 1996.

H. A. Cheng, S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, M. Nakagawa, and E. Fukushima, “Spatially resolved collisional energy dissipation in granular flows from NMR,” 37th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Asilomar, March 17-22, 1996.

A. Caprihan, K. M. Hill, and J. Kakalios, “Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Axial Segregation of Rotating Granular Media,” American Physical Society, St. Louis, March 20, 1996.

H. M. Gach, D. P. Madio, I. J. Lowe, A. Caprihan, and S. A. Altobelli, “A Programmable Pre-emphasis System,” Society of Magnetic Resonance, Fourth Scientific Meeting, New York, April 27 - May 3, 1996; Proceedings, p. 1401.

L.O. Sillerud, A. Caprihan, G. Rosenthal, and R. Gorczynski, " Efficacy of Blood Substitutes Determined by 31P-NMR Spectroscopy,"  International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Fourth Scientific Meeting, New York, April 27 - May 3, 1996; Proceedings, p.1041.

E. Fukushima, “Physics of magnetic resonance as a probe of random and coherent systems,” Center for Advanced Studies Workshop, University of New Mexico, May 13-14, 1996.

S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, K. Kose, and E. Fukushima, “Real Time NMR Imaging of Sedimentation (in Japanese),” The First Workshop on NMR Microimaging, Tokyo Suisan University, July 18-19, 1996. 

E. Fukushima, “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microimaging: An Overview,” The First Workshop on NMR Microimaging, Tokyo Suisan University, July 18-19, 1996. 

E. Fukushima, “Study of flow, diffusion, and other fluid motions by MRI,” Seminar at Rikagaku Kenkyu-sho (RIKEN), Wako-shi, Japan, July 23, 1996.

E. Fukushima, “Progress Report,” The Lovelace Institutes, Albuquerque, September 1, 1996

E. Fukushima, “Introduction to (Solid State and) Flow Imaging,” AMPERE Summer Institute “Dynamical Concepts in NMR: A Nuts and Bolts Approach to Modern NMR,” three lectures, Portoroz, Slovenia, September 8-14, 1996.

E. Fukushima, “A new look at diffusion measurements by NMR,” the 28th New Mexico Regional NMR Meeting, Silver City, September 28, 1996.

S. Altobelli, T. Sugano, and K. Kose, “Application of Real Time Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Studies of Sedimentation and Quick Sand (in Japanese),” Japanese Society of Civil Engineering, Annual Meeting, Japan, 1996.

R. E. Hampton, A. A. Mammoli, N. Tetlow, A. L. Graham, and S. A. Altobelli, “Migration of Particles Undergoing Pressure Driven Flow in a Circular Conduit,” AIChE Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 10-15, 1996.

K. Kose, T. Haishi, A. Caprihan, and E. Fukushima, “The use of real-time NMR imaging to study the sedimentation of spheres in stationary water (in Japanese),” The 35th NMR Touronkai, Kyoto, November 19-21, 1996.

D. O. Kuethe, A. Caprihan, E. Fukushima, H. M. Gach, and I. J. Lowe, “Fluorinated Gases in Lungs are more like Solids than Liquids,” The NMR Newsletter, No. 459, 1996; pp.31-32.

A. Caprihan, S. A. Altobelli, E. Fukushima, and R. A. Waggoner, “Flow and/or structure of granular and porous materials studied by MRI,” USAF/Contractor/Grantee Meeting, Particulate Materials and Shock Physics, Lansdowne, Virginia, February 3-4, 1997.

E. Fukushima, "Physics of Granular Flow: Fascination with motions of sand and other particles," Colloquium, Department of Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, February 20, 1997. 

E. Fukushima, "Lung imaging by fluorinated gas NMR," Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, February 21, 1997. 

D. O. Kuethe, A. Bee, and T. Kellywood, “Will inert fluorocarbon gases tell us intracellular oxygen concentrations?” Hypoxia Symposium 1997, Lake Louise, Alberta, February 18-22, 1997.

S. R. Subia, M. S. Ingber, L. A. Mondy, S. A. Altobelli, and A. L. Graham, “Modeling of concentrated suspensions using a continuum constitutive equation,” 68th Annual Meeting of Society of Rheology, Galveston, TX, February, 1997.

N. C. Irwin, R. A. Greenkorn, and S. A. Altobelli, “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Imaging of Mixing during Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media,” American Geophysical Society, 1997.

K. Kose, T. Haishi, A. Caprihan, and E. Fukushima, " Real-Time MRI Systems Using Personal Computers," Fifth Scientific Meeting of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Vancouver, April 12-18, 1997.

M. Nakagawa, S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, and E. Fukushima, “NMR measurement and approximate derivation of the velocity depth-profile of granular flow in a rotating, partially filled, horizontal cylinder,” Powders and Grains, Third International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Duke University, Durham, May 18-22, 1997.

H. A. Cheng, S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, and E. Fukushima, “NMR and mechanical measurements of the collisional dissipation of granular flow in a rotating, partially filled, horizontal cylinder,” Powders and Grains, Third International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Duke University, Durham, May 18-22, 1997. 

K. M. Hill, J. Kakalios, K. Yamane, Y. Tsuji, and A. Caprihan, “Dynamic angle of repose as a function of mixture concentration: Results from MRI experiments and DEM simulations,” Powders and Grains, Third International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Duke University, Durham, May 18-22, 1997. 

S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, E. Fukushima, and many collaborators. “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance as a Versatile Technique to Measure Flow Parameters,” ASME Forum on Fluids Measurements & Instrumentation, FED Summer Meeting, Vancouver, June 22-26, 1997.

E. Fukushima, “Multiphase Flow Studies by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging,” ASME Forum on Multiphase Flow - Work in Progress, FED Summer Meeting, Vancouver, June 22-26, 1997.

S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, and E. Fukushima, “Measurement of Single and Multiphase Flow Mechanics by NMR,” 6th International Symposium on Liquid-Solid Flows, FED Summer Meeting, ASME, Vancouver, Canada, June 22-26, 1997. 

S. A. Altobelli, "NMR Imaging Studies of Multi-Phase Flows," The Second Workshop on NMR Microimaging, Kyoto Prefectural University, Japan, July, 19-20, 1997.

S. A. Altobelli, "NMR Imaging of Concentrated Suspensions," Rocky Mountain Conference, Denver, August 6, 1997.

J. D. Seymour, S. A. Altobelli, P. T. Callaghan, E. Fukushima, and B. Manz, "PGSE NMR Measurements of Taylor Vortices in Concentric and Eccentric Cylinders," Rocky Mountain Conference, Denver, August 6, 1997.

D. O. Kuethe, A. Caprihan, E. Fukushima, H. M. Gach, and I. J. Lowe, “Imaging Obstructed Ventilation in Lungs using Inert Fluorinated Gases,” 4th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy and Macroscopy, Albuquerque, September 21-25, 1997. 

S. A. Altobelli and L. Mondy, “Inversion Nulling in Slurry Flow Imaging,” 4th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy and Macroscopy, Albuquerque, September 21-25, 1997. 

D. M. Schmidt, J. S. George, S. I. Penttila, A. Caprihan, and E. Fukushima, “Diffusion Imaging with Hyper-Polarized 3He Gas,” 4th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy and Macroscopy, Albuquerque, September 21-25, 1997. 

J. D. Seymour, “Pulsed Gradient NMR Measurements and Diffusion Process Modeling of Velocity Fluctuations in Macroscopic Flows,” Center for Advanced Studies Workshop ‘Probing into Restricted Geometries: Fundamental Aspects of Diffusion in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,’ University of New Mexico, September 26-27, 1997.

A. Caprihan, “Diffusion and Velocity Fluctuation Measurements of Granular Flow in a Rotating Cylinder,” Center for Advanced Studies Workshop ‘Probing into Restricted Geometries: Fundamental Aspects of Diffusion in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,’ University of New Mexico, September 26-27, 1997.

T.-T. Ng, C. Wang, and S. Altobelli, “3-D MRI Experiment of Granular Material,” ASCE Symposium on Mechanics of Particulate Materials, Chicago, 1997.

E. Fukushima, “NMR Measurements of Granular Flows,” CNLS Talk, Center for Non-Linear Studies, Los Alamos National Laboratory, January 21, 1998.

D. M. Schmidt, J. S. George, S. I. Penttila, A. Caprihan, and E. Fukushima, “Diffusion Imaging with Hyperpolarized 3He Gas,” NMR Newsletter No. 472, 1998, p. 33.

E. Fukushima, “NMR Measurements of Granular Flow,” Condensed Matter Seminar, The James Franck Institute, The University of Chicago, February 23, 1998.

E. Fukushima, “NMR Measurements of Granular Flow and Compaction,” American Physical Society, Los Angeles, March 16-20, 1998.

P. T. Callaghan, S. L. Codd, and J. D. Seymour, “Probing Taylor Dispersion in Poiseuille Flow using PGSE NMR,” 39th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Asilomar, March 23-26, 1998.

S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, E. Fukushima, D. O. Kuethe, and J. D. Seymour, “NMR Studies of Fluid Structure, Flow, and Diffusion,” American Physical Society, Albuquerque, April 3-4, 1998.

E. Fukushima, “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Granular Materials: Food for Thought for Theorists,” Theory Workshop on the Dynamics of Granular Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, April 16-18, 1998.

A. Caprihan, “Partial k-space Data Reconstruction Techniques with Applications to Gas Imaging,” 32nd New Mexico Regional NMR Meeting, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, May 9, 1998. 

S. A. Altobelli, “NMR Studies of Multiphase Flows. III.,” Sixteenth Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory, May 13-15, 1998.

M. Nakagawa, J. L. Moss, and S. A. Altobelli, “Segregation of granular particles in a nearly packed rotating cylinder,” Proceedings of the 12th Engineering Mechanics Conference, La Jolla, May 17-20, 1998; edited by H. Murakami and J. E. Luco. 

E. Fukushima, “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Granular Materials,” Workshop ‘Granular Materials: Statics, Excitations, and Dynamics,’ University of New Mexico, June 25-26, 1998.

J. D. Seymour and P. T. Callaghan, “Pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies of flow and dispersion in a model porous media,” Society of Exploration Geophysics Summer Research Workshop ‘NMR Imaging of Reservoir Attributes,’ Park City, Utah, August 9-12, 1998.

S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, E. Fukushima, D. O. Kuethe,   “Round Table: Gas NMR,” Informal NMR workshop at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, August 12-13, 1998.

D. O. Kuethe and P. Morris, “Exposing the H in an H-Free Coil,” NMR Newsletter No. 480, September, 1998, pp. 33-34.

Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance, edited by P. Blümler, B. Blümich, R. Botto, and E. Fukushima (Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1998).

J. D. Seymour and P. T. Callaghan, “Pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) NMR studies of flow and dispersion in a model porous media,” AMPERE Workshop on Porous Systems and Systems with Restricted Geometry, Delphi, Greece, August 23-28, 1998.

J. D. Seymour, P. T. Callaghan, R. Dykstra, and C. D. Eccles, “Restricted diffusion and thermal instabilities in Antarctic sea ice brine: PGSE NMR in the Earth’s magnetic field,” AMPERE Workshop on Porous Systems and Systems with Restricted Geometry, Delphi, Greece, August 23-28, 1998.

A. Caprihan, E. Fukushima, and D. O. Kuethe, “Porous Media Studies by Gas NMR,” AMPERE Workshop on Porous Systems and Systems with Restricted Geometry, Delphi, Greece, August 23-28, 1998.

J. D. Seymour, “Pulsed gradient spin echo NMR studies of flow and dispersion in a model porous media,” Seminar at International Tomography Center, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 4, 1998.

E. Fukushima, “Porous Media Studies by Gas NMR,” Seminar at International Tomography Center, Novosibirsk, Russia, September 4, 1998.

Joseph D. Seymour, Arvind Caprihan and Eiichi Fukushima, "Direct Spatial Imaging of Granular Temperature in a Rotating Granular Flow: Coherent and Incoherent Motions" New Mexico Regional NMR Meeting, Albuquerque, October 3, 1998.

S. A. Altobelli, J. D. Seymour, and L. A. Mondy, “NMR imaging of batch flotation and sedimentation,” 70th Annual Meeting, Society of Rheology, Monterey, October 4-8, 1998.

W. L. Fisher, A. L Graham, J. R. Abbott, L. A. Mondy, and S. A. Altobelli, “Hydrodynamic particle migration: A continuum limit,” 70th Annual Meeting, Society of Rheology, Monterey, October 4-8, 1998.

E. Fukushima, “Magnetic resonance as a tool to study granular flow,” Physics Colloquium at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, October 13, 1998.

M. Icenogle, D. Kilgore, J. Sanders, A. Caprihan, R. Roach, “Cranial CSF Volume (cCSF) is Reduced By Altitude Exposure But Is Not Related To Early Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS).” 11th International Hypoxia Symposium, Jasper, Alberta, Canada, February 27-March 3, 1999.

D. Kilgore, J. Loeppky, J. Sanders, A. Caprihan, “Corpus Callosum (CC) MRI: Early Altitude Exposure,” 11th International Hypoxia Symposium, Jasper, Alberta, Canada, February 27-March 3, 1999.

D. O. Kuethe, A. Caprihan, H. M. Gach, I. J. Lowe, N. C. Staub, J. A. Loeppky and E. Fukushima, “Imaging Ventilation-To-Perfusion Ratios,”11th International Hypoxia Symposium, Jasper, Alberta, Canada, February 27-March 3, 1999.

S. A. Altobelli, "Ultrasound Versus CT, MRI and PET," 43rd Annual American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine Convention, San Antonio, TX, March 14-17, 1999.

J. D. Seymour, “Earth’s Field NMR in Antarctica: A Journey on Many Scales,” Northern New Mexico Section, American Chemical Society, Santa Fe, …., 1999.

A. Caprihan, J. D. Seymour, S. A. Altobelli, and E. Fukushima, “Velocity fluctuation measurements of granular media in a rotating cylinder by nuclear magnetic resonance imaging,” IUTAM Symposium on Segregation in Granular Flows, Cape May, NJ, June 6-9, 1999.

J. D. Seymour, “Complex Flows, Stochastic Processes and Pulsed Field Gradient Spin Echo NMR,” AMPERE VII NMR School in Zakopane, Poland, May 30-June 4, 1999.

E. Fukushima and J. A. Jackson, “Unilateral magnets: An idea and some history,” NMR Newsletter No. 490, 1999, pp. 40-42.

E. Fukushima, "Thermally polarized gas NMR in porous media," Gordon Research Conference on Magnetic Resonance, Henniker, NH, June 27-July 2, 1999.

A. Caprihan, …, Gordon Research Conference on Magnetic Resonance, Henniker, NH, June 27-July 2, 1999.

S. Altobelli, J. D. Seymour, and L. Mondy, “Settling in Concentrated Suspensions,” 5th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Heidelberg, September 5-9, 1999.

D. O. Kuethe, A. Caprihan, V. C. Behr, S. Begay, J. A. Loeppky, E. Fukushima, H. M. Gach, and I. J. Lowe, “Imaging SF6 in Lungs as an Index to Gas Exchange: Something Useful?” 5th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Heidelberg, September 5-9, 1999.

E. Fukushima and J. A. Jackson, “Unilateral Magnets for Remote NMR,” 5th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Heidelberg, September 5-9, 1999.

V. C. Behr and D. O. Kuethe, “Relaxation of fluorinated gases for lung imaging,” 5th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Heidelberg, September 5-9, 1999.

E. Fukushima, “Unilateral NMR: History and some ideas,” Seminar at RWTH Aachen, Germany, September 13, 1999.

S. J. Glass, K. G. Ewsuk, and A. Caprihan, “Characterization of Particle Packing and Ceramic Powder Compacts Using NMR Techniques,” Fine Powder Processing ’99 Conference, Penn State University, September 20-22, 1999.

H. M. Jaeger, E. Fukushima, “Nonintrusive Diagnostics of Granular Flow: MRI and X-ray Tomography,” Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Dallas, October, 1999.

T. Stephens, S. Altobelli, T. A. Baer, L. A. Mondy, and R. R. Rao, “Simulations of Particle Migration in Non-Newtonian Suspending Fluids,” Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Dallas, October 31 - November 5, 1999.

E. Fukushima, “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Granular Flow and Other Moving Systems,” Seminar, Physics Department, UCLA, December 8, 1999.

S.A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, E. Fukushima, J.D. Seymour, “Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Granular Flows – Current Status,” Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, April 24-28, 2000.

E. Fukushima, “Thermally Polarized Gas NMR and MRI,” AMPERE VIII NMR School in Zakopane, Poland, June 4-9, 2000.

D. O. Kuethe, “Respiratory imaging using CF4, SF6, and related gases,”  Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory Symposia 2000, Richland, Washington, June 2000.

D. O. Kuethe, A. Caprihan, H. M. Gach, I. J. Lowe, And E. Fukushima.  “Imaging low ventilation-to-perfusion ratios with NMR using inert fluorinated gases,” Experimental Biology 2000 Meeting, San Diego, April 2000.

B. Ovryn, A. Caprihan, S.A. Altobelli, J.D. Seymour and E. Fukushima, “A robust magnetic resonance imager for measurements of fluid physics phenomena,” 10th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, July 10-13, 2000

S.A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, J.D. Seymour, and E. Fukushima, “Collisional Correlation Time Measurement by Use of Repeated and Compensating Pulsed Magnetic Field Gradients,” The NMR Newsletter, No. 500, 2000; pp. 11-12

J. D. Seymour, A. Caprihan, S. A. Altobelli, and E. Fukushima, “NMR imaging of transport phenomena in granular flow,” 30th Congress AMPERE on Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena, Lisbon, Portugal, July 23-29, 2000.

J.D. Seymour, “Macroscopic transport phenomena measurements by nuclear magnetic resonance: Application to granular materials and porous media,” AMPERE Summer School on Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Novel Materials, Nafplion, Greece. September 3-9, 2000. Plenary Lecture

S. A. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, E. Fukushima, D. O. Kuethe, “Thermally Polarized Gas NMR Imaging of Porous Materials,” 5th International Meeting in Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, Bologna, Italy, October 9-11, 2000.

A. Caprihan, C.F.M. Clewett, D. O. Kuethe, E. Fukushima, S.J. Glass, and L. Carlson, “Characterization of Partially Sintered Ceramic Powder Compacts Using Fluorinated Gas NMR Imaging,” 5th International Meeting in Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, Bologna, Italy, October 9-11, 2000.

J.D. Seymour, "Transport phenomena measurements by pulsed gradient nuclear magnetic resonance: Wavelength and time dependence,” Institute for Physical Chemistry, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, October 20, 2000.

C. F. M. Clewett, “Characterization of Partially Sintered Ceramic Powder Compacts Using Thermally-polarized Fluorinated Gas NMR Imaging,” 37th New Mexico Regional NMR Meeting, Albuquerque, November 11, 2000.

S. A. Altobelli and L. A. Mondy, “Simultaneous flotation and sedimentation in three component mixtures,” Society of Rheology, February, 2001.

R. Rao, L. Mondy, S. Altobelli, E. Lindgren, and A. Sun, “Particle Settling in Complex Geometries: Computation and Experiment,” Society of Rheology, February, 2001.

A. Caprihan, E. Fukushima, J. D. Seymour,“Manipulation of PGSE sequences to measure collisions in granular flow,” ENC, Orlando, FL, March 11-16, 2001.

S.D. Beyea, S. A. Altobelli, “NMR Imaging of Noncolloidal Solid Particulates in a 3-Phase Sedimenting System susing SPRITE,” ENC, Orlando, FL, March 11-16, 2001.

M. Hopkins, L. Mondy, R. Rao, S. Altobelli, D. Fang, A. Mammoli, and M. Ingber, “Three-Dimensional Modeling of Suspensions Flows with a Flow Aligned Tensor Model,” Pacific Rim Rheology Conference, Vancouver, BC., 2001.

S. A. Altobelli, "NMR Studies of Multiphase Flows. IV.,  Nineteenth Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory, May 21-22, 2001.

M. Hopkins, L. Mondy, R. Rao, S. Altobelli, D. Fang, A. Mammoli, and M. Ingber, “Three-Dimensional Modeling of Suspensions Flows with a Flow Aligned Tensor Model,” Pacific Rim Rheology Conference, Vancouver, BC., ??, 2001.

E. Fukushima, “Granular Flow NMR and Porous Media Studies by Thermally Polarized Gas NMR,” Waterloo NMR School, Waterloo, ON, June 11-15, 2001.

E. Fukushima, “Low Field NMR Including Outdoor NMR,” Waterloo NMR School, Waterloo, ON, June 11-15, 2001.

E. Fukushima, “NMR as a Non-Invasive Tool to Measure Flow Parameters of Granular Matter,” Research Workshop on Challenges in Granular Physics, the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy, August 7-11, 2001.  

E. Fukushima, “Thermally Polarized Gas NMR,” seminar at Institut Jozef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 13, 2001.

E. Fukushima, “NMR Tutorial,” University of New Mexico, August 17, 2001. 

E. Fukushima, “Signal, Data, and Image Processing,” a tutorial lecture at 6th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Nottingham, UK, September 2-5, 2001.

S. D. Beyea, A. Caprihan, C. F. M. Clewett, and S. J. Glass, “Spatially Resolved Isotherms of Thermally Polarised Gases in Mesoporous Solids using NMR Imaging,” 6th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Nottingham, UK, September 2-5, 2001.

S. D. Beyea and S. A. Altobelli, “3-Phase Sedimentation/Flotation,” 6th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Nottingham, UK, September 2-5, 2001.

D. Kuethe and T. Pietrass, “T1s of inert fluorinated gases are sufficiently predictable to aid quantitative imaging,” 6th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Nottingham, UK, September 2-5, 2001.

S. L. Codd, “The use of Fluorinated Gases in NMR microscopy,” Seminar, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, September 19, 2001.

S. D. Beyea, “Space Resolved NMR Characterization of Ceramic Microstructure,” Seminar, Sintered Materials Group, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, September 20, 2001.

J.D. Seymour, A. Caprihan, S.A. Altobelli, S.L. Codd and E. Fukushima. "Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Scale Dependent Diffusion in Rotating Granular Flow," Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Reno, NV. November 4-9, 2001. Abstract 202f in Extended Abstracts.

E. Fukushima, “Large-scale Earth’s Field NMR,” ANZMAG 2002, Taupo, New Zealand, February 17-21, 2002.

E. Fukushima, “New Mexico Resonance,” Seminar, Alex Pines’ Group, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley, April 5, 2002. 

S. L. Codd, S. A. Altobelli, and D. O. Kuethe, “Gas Flows through Porous Media Studied by Thermally Polarized Fluorinated and Protonated Gases,” 43rd ENC, Asilomar, April 14-19, 2002.

S. D. Beyea, A. Caprihan, D. O. Kuethe, S. J. Glass, and A. DiGiovanni, “Thermally Polarized Gas NMR Imaging for Characterization of Nanoporous Solids,” 43rd ENC, Asilomar, April 14-19, 2002.

S. D. Beyea, A. Caprihan, D. O. Kuethe, S. J. Glass, and A. DiGiovanni, “Non-Destructive Determination of Space Resolved BET Surface Area in Partially Sintered Ceramics using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (NMRI),” 104th Annual Meeting, The American Ceramic Society, St. Louis, April 28-May 1, 2002.

A. Caprihan, S. D. Beyea, D. O. Kuethe, S. J. Glass, and A. DiGiovanni, “Gas Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of Porous Ceramics,” 104th Annual Meeting, The American Ceramic Society, St. Louis, April 28-May 1, 2002.

A. DiGiovanni, S. J. Glass, A. Caprihan, and S. D. Beyea, “Characterizing Pore Phase Evolution in Sintered Ceramic Compacts,” 104th Annual Meeting, The American Ceramic Society, St. Louis, April 28-May 1, 2002.

S. Beyea, “NMR Imaging of Pressure Dependent Perflourinated Gas Adsorption in Nanoporous Solids,” 40th New Mexico Regional NMR Meeting, Salt Lake City, May 17-18, 2002.

E. Fukushima and S. A. Altobelli, “Gas NMR Studies of Porous Media: Applications to Nanoporous Materials,” Proceedings of the Twentieth Symposium on Energy Engineering Sciences, Argonne National Laboratory, May 20-21, 2002.

E. Fukushima, “NMR at New Mexico Resonance,” Department of Physics, Washington University, St. Louis, June 3, 2002.

O. A. Shushakov, B. M. Fomenko, V. I. Yashuk, A. S. Krivosheev, E. Fukushima, and V. S. Kuskovskii, "Hydrocarbon contamination of groundwater investigation by the NMR method," Enviromis 2002 International Conference, Tomsk, Russia, July 6-12, 2002.

J.D. Seymour, S.L. Codd, A. Caprihan, S.A. Altobelli, and E. Fukushima, "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Periodic Granular Flow," World Congress on Particle Technology 4, Sydney, Australia, July 21-25, 2002. Session Granular Dynamics (3).

E. Fukushima, "Studies of porous media by thermally polarized gas NMR," 6th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, Ulm, Germany, September 6-12, 2002.

N.E. Daidzic, S. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, E. Schmidt, J.I.D. Alexander, "Estimate of Porosity length-scales in soils by MRI for microgravity plant growth experiments ," 6th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, Ulm, Germany, September 6-12, 2002; abstract published in Magnetic Resonance Imaging 21, 449 (2003).

N.E. Daidzic, S. Altobelli, A. Caprihan, E. Schmidt, J.I.D. Alexander, "Porosity measurements in soils by MRI for microgravity plant growth experiments," Presentation for the Microgravity Fluids Science Council Meeting, NCMR, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, October 16, 2002.

J.E. Maneval (presenter), B.E. Smith and E. Fukushima, "NMR Measurements of Flow and Segregation in a Granular System," presented at the Center for Advanced Studies Workshop, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, December 2002.

J.E. Maneval (presenter), B.E. Smith and E. Fukushima, "Experimental Study of Granular Flow in a Rotating Cylinder," presented at the 2003 Miniworkshop on Granular Hydrodynamics and Related Topics, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, February 2003.

J.E. Maneval (presenter), B.E. Smith and E. Fukushima, "What NMR Has to Say About Granular Shear Flows," presented at 42nd New Mexico Regional NMR meeting, Albuquerque, NM, May 10, 2003.

T. Haishi, S. Utsuzawa, T. Shirai, Y. Matsuda, K. Kose, S. Altobelli, E. Fukushima, and S. Okada, "Mouse MRI Systems Using Dipole Ring Permanent Magnets," 11th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, July, 2003; Abstract #751.

D.O. Kuethe, N.L. Adolphi, and R. Montano, "FID Projection Pulse Sequences for Imagining Lung Tissue and Inflammation," 11th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, July, 2003; Abstract #1373.

E. Fukushima, "History of NMR Coils," 11th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, July, 2003; Abstract #370.

S.D. Beyea, S.J. Glass and A. McDowell, "Non-Destructive Microstructural Characterization of Ceramics: Spatially Resolved Gas Adsorption Using NMRI," 7th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Snowbird, Utah, September, 2003; Abstract C-6.

D.O. Kuethe, R. Montano, and N. Adolphi, "Imaging Lung Tissue is not so Difficult," 7th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Snowbird, Utah, September, 2003; Abstract C-12.

N. Adolphi and D. Kuethe, "First T1 Images of Inert Fluorinated gases in Lungs," 7th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Snowbird, Utah, September, 2003; Abstract C-13.

J.E. Maneval, B.E. Smith and E. Fukushima, "NMR Study of the Flowing Layer in a Granular Media in a Rotating Drum," 7th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Snowbird, Utah, September, 2003; Abstract P-14.

A. McDowell, S.J. Glass and S.D. Beyea, "Imaging Gases in Ceramics; Application of Techniques for Microstructural Characterization," 7th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Snowbird, Utah, September, 2003; Abstract P-19.

D.O. Kuethe, R.E. Botto, J. Quintana, N. Adolphi and S. Beyea, "Coal is Impermeable," 7th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Snowbird, Utah, September, 2003; Abstract P-20.

M. Yamaguchi, T. Ohkubo, K. Kobori, K. Suzuki, Y. Ikeda, K. Saito and S. Altobelli, "Detection of Fractures and Pores in Granite by Magnetic Resonance Microimaging and T2 Measurement," 7th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Snowbird, Utah, September, 2003; Abstract P-21.

S. Altobelli and T.-T. Ng, "Tri-Axial Testing combined with MRI," 7th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Snowbird, Utah, September, 2003; Abstract P-61.

N.E. Daidzic, E. Schmidt, S. Altobelli, J.I.D. Alexander, "Estimate of Porosity Length-Scales in Soil Porous Media by MRI," 4th International Symposium on Scale Modeling (ISSM-IV), Cleveland, Ohio, September 17-19, 2003.

S.A. Altobelli and S.D. Beyea, "MRI Studies of Sedimenting Suspensions," 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow, Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 2003; article in "Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow II," edited by A.A. Mammoli and C.A. Brebbia (WIT Press, Southampton, 2004), pp. 231-237.

S.-C. Hsiao, D. Christensen, M.S. Ingber, L.A. Mondy and S.A. Altobelli, "Particle migration rates in a Couette apparatus," 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow, Santa Fe, New Mexico, November 2003; article in "Computational Methods in Multiphase Flow II," edited by A.A. Mammoli and C.A. Brebbia (WIT Press, Southampton, 2004), pp. 241-251.

O.A. Shushakov, V.M. Fomenko, V.I. Yashchuk, A.S. Krivosheev, E. Fukushima and V.S. Kuskovsky, "Hydrocarbon contamination of aquifers SNMR detection," 2nd International Workshop on the Magnetic Resonance Sounding Method applied to non-invasive groundwater investigations, November 19-21, 2003, Orleans, France.

O.A. Shushakov, V.M. Fomenko, V.I. Yashchuk, A.S. Krivosheev, S.A. Altobelli, V.S. Kuskovsky, "Hydrocarbon contamination of aquifers by SNMR detection," Waste Management '04 Conference, Tucson, AZ; February 29-March 4, 2004.

E. Fukushima, "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance at New Mexico Resonance," Physics Colloquium, Montana State University, March 12, 2004.

N.E. Daidzic, P. Fantazzini, S. Altobelli, E. Schmidt and J.I.D. Alexander, "Pore-Size-Distribution and Porosity measurements in soil porous media by MRI," In Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial ASCE Aerospace Division International Conference on Engineering, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, edited by R.B. Malla and A. Maji, League City/Houston, Texas, March 7-10, 2004. pp 362-367.

E. Fukushima, “Inhomogeneous Broadening Revisited (in MRI),” AMPERE XII NMR School, Zakopane, Poland, June 6-11, 2004.

E. Fukushima and W. Kaiser, “Surface Coil Depth Measurement from Steady-State FIDs of Partially Relaxed spins,” poster at AMPERE XII NMR School, Zakopane, Poland, June 6-11, 2004.

E. Fukushima, “NMR at NMR,” lecture at University of New Mexico, October 18, 2004.

E. Fukushima, “NMR of Granular Materials,” AMPERE XIII NMR School, Zakopane, Poland, June 5-10, 2005.

J. E. Maneval, B. E. Smith, A. Caprihan, and E. Fukushima, “Flow Measurement in Rotational Flow of Mixed-Size Granular Systems,” Powders & Grains 2005, Stuttgart, Germany, July 18-22, 2005.

A. Caprihan, B. E. Smith, J. E. Maneval, K. M. Hill, and E. Fukushima, “Effects of end-wall friction on granular flow in rotating 2D and D cylinders,” Powders & Grains 2005, Stuttgart, Germany, July 18-22, 2005.

N. Adolphi and D. Kuethe, “Imaging V/Q in Lungs by Mapping the 19F T1 of Inert Fluorinated Gases,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

S. Altobelli, L. Mondy, and R. R. Rao, “NMR Profilometry and Normal Stress Differences in Concentrated Suspensions,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

S. Altobelli, L. Mondy, R. R. Rao, and E. Russick, “1H and 19F MRI of Physically Blown Foam,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

E. Fukushima, “Introduction to NMR: Nuts and bolts approach,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

E. Fukushima and A. Caprihan, “NMR of Granular Materials,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

D. O. Kuethe and N. L. Adolphi, “Imaging SF6 and C2F6 gases in lab rat lungs: To avoid cooking larger animals, use C2F6,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

D. O. Kuethe and N. L. Adolphi, “Lung tissue: for good resolution, keep acquisition time even shorter than 2T2*,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

D. O. Kuethe and A. F. McDowell, “Measuring nanopore sizes with the T1 of CF4,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

D. O. Kuethe and M. D. Scholz, “Detecting cracks by imaging inert fluorinated gases,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

A. F. McDowell, E. Fukushima, T. Alam, and L Sillerud, “Low-field micro-coil development for portable NMR,” D. O. Kuethe and N. L. Adolphi, “Imaging SF6 and C2F6 gases in lab rat lungs: To avoid cooking larger animals, use C2F6,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

L. Sillerud, N. Adolphi, R. Serda, M. Bisoffi, and D. Kuethe, “Development of Targeted Contrast Agents for MRI of Prostate Cancer,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

M. Yamaguchi, K. Suzuki, S. Altobelli, and D. Kuethe, “Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Water Distribution in Thermally and Mechanically Fractured Granite,” 8th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, Utsunomiya, Japan, August 22-26, 2005.

E. Fukushima, “History of unilateral NMR and the development of a medium range apparatus,” 5th Colloquium on Mobile NMR, Perugia, Italy, September 21-23, 2005.

E. Fukushima, “Compact MRI using permanent magnets and unilateral NMR,” University of Minnesota, May 22, 2006.

E. Fukushima, “Progress towards portable NMR,” Waterloo Summer School, Waterloo, Canada, June 9, 2006.

E. Fukushima, “Extending the range of unilateral NMR using a modified barrel magnet,” 6th Colloquium on Mobile NMR, Aachen, September 6-8, 2006.

E. Fukushima, “Experimental studies of granular systems by nuclear magnetic resonance,” University of Chile, Santiago, January 12, 2007.

E. Fukushima, “ABQMR, Inc. and New Mexico Resonance:  A Tale of Small Independent Labs with New-Age Research Environments,” Career Development Seminar, College of Medicine, University of Florida, February 15, 2007.

E. Fukushima, “Permanent magnet NMR and MRI: New twists to old technology,” National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, February 16, 2007.

S. Utsuzawa, and E. Fukushima, "Novel Unilateral NMR Apparatus with homogeneous B0 field", 48th Experimental Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Conference, Daytona Beach, Florida, April 22 - 28, 2007.

S. Utsuzawa, and E. Fukushima, "Unilateral NMR apparatus with homogeneous B0 field", 9th International Conference on Magnet Resonance Microscopy, Aachen, Germany, September 3 - 7, 2007.



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